
Current news and articles

Carlos Vasquez New York II

Carlos gave distinguished service to our Conference with engagement. To has the permission from the European Board to produce and offer the Ukraine patch for our Conference in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zeeland, but not for our Conference. He transferred the income to our account. Without his engagement we never generated so much money for helping Ukraine I. 

  2612 Hits

Patrik Moinil, BEL II

Patrik gave helping hand by foundation of many chapters. But he did much more. Since many years he gave distinguished service in charity for many years.
So, he distributed toys in name of Blue Knights to underprivileged families and the less wealthy so that their children could still celebrate a beautilul Sinterklaas and or Christmas. He also supplied the Padre Dirk van Jette with toys for many years for the various actions that the Padre provided. In total he has during all those years divided for an amount of approximately 45000 Euro.

This year he also cared for a good cause. He provided Hungary III about 3000 Euro worth of toy so that they could expand their shoebox campaign from 2021 to provide even more underprivileged children and orphans with toys. 

  2619 Hits

Meeting registration procedure

From now on, meetings should only be held using the form set up for this purpose (menu item /meetings/register a meeting). 
The registrations are stored by the system in a database, so the time and the content of the registration can be documented at any time.

  2653 Hits

New website online

For technical reasons, the website of the "European Conference" had to be completely relaunched at short notice. With the launch of this site, the old pages will be switched off and are no longer accessible.

Since the "move" had to take place surprisingly and more or less unprepared, there will be one or the other construction site in the next weeks. Therefore we would like to apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, criticism or suggestions, please send an email to the webmaster or make an entry in the corresponding form (in preparation). We are grateful for every hint.
  2980 Hits

Awarded Knights

For more than 20 years editors of the German Blue Knights magazine which read from German speaking members in Germany Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium Luxembourg and other countries, these members were awarded the "Medal of Merit":

  • Jürgen "JB" Pohl, GER 14
  • Alfons "Alf" Ulrich, GER 14
  • Claus Dieter "CD" Müller
  2663 Hits

EC Disaster Fund

The EC Board established the "EC Disaster Fund" in October 2021. In recent years, we have experienced several natural disasters in Europe. This fund is to support Blue Knights and colleagues who have been affected. The "EC Disaster Fund" is financed by your donations!

In July 2021, a heavy area of heavy rain moved over the west of Germany. Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia were particularly affected, but also the neighboring countries of the Netherlands and Belgium. Small rivers and streams became raging torrents that destroyed entire villages. Three members of the Blue Knights were also affected by the destruction.

The EC board called for donations for the flood victims and designed and sold a t-shirt. As a result, 15,000€ in donations were generated. Each of the three affected Knights could be given 5.000€ donations.

Once again, we would like to thank our donors and the buyers of the T-shirt!

  1913 Hits

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