Current news and articles
Convention 2018
12.Convention 2018
12.1.Proposal 001-2018 European Conference Convention 2020
Candidatures – Belgium I / Great Britain and Ireland I Conference
Allow Ireland I to present their bid to host the 2020 European Conference at the same time as the 2020 International Convention in Killarney, Co Kerry.
Back in 2012 the European Board asked the International Convention in Waidring 2014. It was voted on and decided by the UK&I presidents meeting.
Suggested by: Koen Hutse
Submitted by: Holk Opitz
Motion by Croatia VII
To vote by ballot
Second: Danmark I
The majority votes against. The motion failed.
Motion by CD Müller
To split the International Convention from the European Convention.
Second:Netherland II
The majority votes yes. The motion passed.
The proposal failed.
- 12.2.Proposal 002-2018 Splitting the European Conference
Thoughts about a reorganization of the existing European Conference and formal request of the foundation of "European Alps-Conference" EAC or similar.
Intent: A clear opinion (do we want or don't we want it) to all of the following thoughts and steps is necessary from all European Chapters
Since 2007, several chapters from the European Conference had deepened their thoughts about the reorganization of the Conference. In the meantime, various things have been written and talked about it on different occasions and ways, mainly in the German-Board. The topic was also discussed at EC 2017 in Finland. Unfortunately, no concrete suggestions came out. In order to properly advertise and gain future members, and to take into account the demographic conditions, it seems to us that a division (realignment) of the European Conference is inevitable. The chapter of the Blue Knights LEMC Switzerland 2, thought about this issue. This summary of our thoughts, together with the paper of the EU Chairman of 2017 EC Finland, is intended as a discussion proposal to all EU-Chapters. Until the EC 2019 in Cologne at the latest, all the chapters should be aware if we want this or not. From a political point of view, after the events in the past, especially in 2017, it seems to be finally time to take a concrete approach to this project
Due to the findings regarding the distances between the northernmost and southernmost, easternmost and westernmost chapters, the number of countries, chapters, and members as well as the different languages in the European Conference, it seems not only practical, but also meaningful and indispensable, to share the European Conference at least in North and South (European Alps Conference or Southern European Conference).
Advantages: The cohesion and economy among the chapters could be improved. The historical and cultural barriers would disappear to a large extent.
In order to keep the distances, especially for the annual Conference (working Conference) in a bearable and financial framework, a central meeting point seems to be the best idea depending on the composition of the Conference.
In case of elections Europe has two new voices.
Disadvantages:In the case of dividing the existing Conference in North and South there must be elected two new boards.
Suggested by: Moritz "Mo" Canderas 12/11/17 Vice-Presi BK CH 2
Submitted by: Mario "Ke-Bap" Caderas 04/28/18 President BK CH
Vice-Chairman Andreas Hohendorfstated out, that to form a new Conference has to follow the Section of the International Bylaws:
Each Conference shall consist of at least three (3) Countries, States, Provinces or portion thereof, and have at least twelve (12) chapters therein. The International Board of Directors' will grant approval of the geographic area to become a Conference. Factors, which the International Board of Directors shall consider in approving conferences, are: proximity of the proposed geographic areas, the economic impact on the organization if the designation is approved, and the extent to which the "purposes of a conference" (section 5.06) will be fulfilled.
So minimum of 12 chapters are needed to found a Conference. All chapters of three countries, states or provinces has to agree.
These Chapters have to propose this to the BOG and the BOG can decide yes or no.
The Presidents meeting cannot vote about this but can discuss and vote for a position.
The International President agreed with this statement.
After questions and given answers by the International President there was no voting to the proposal.